Bolts. Lao PDR’s trade balance from exports to India is over 100 million US dollars in 2016, while imports from India only 30 million The United States is ranked eighth in foreign investment in Laos. On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the ASEAN-India Partnership, organized by the Lao Chamber of Commerce and Industry The ASEAN -India Business Council washeld on August 7, 2017 in Vientiane Capital.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade, Mr. Somchit Intimoney, said that in 2016, Lao PDR Exporting various kinds of products to India, such as minerals, rubber, furniture, etc., worth more than 100 million. US $. While imports from India cost more than 30 million US dollars. Including machinery, agricultural products, steel products and others.
He further added that this meeting, for a closer look at the trade channel, joint investment in promoting ASEAN as achance for the great play for the lead ,The Business of Business and the head unit of the frame and from the East – in India andthe countries of the region have been found in two changes of I think the show and the opening of the <ai = 79> view of thecomplicated joint push push to join hands in the trade , to the capital , the Travel Guide and others.The surf tour and others.Thesurf tour and others.
According to the data of the two sides also provides that :Previous to join hands in the trade in India with the ASEAN inbetween the years 2007-2008 with only the 3.0 billion dollars in the US state but came up now add <ai = 78> up to 71 billiondollars in the United States .The region is paired together in the trade of a level 4 of the Indian media and a pair join in the tradea full range of 7 of the region .
News: Cats, photos: Swat